Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Redemption Ministries believes that every Christian has a God-given responsibility to advance the kingdom of God by making more disciples of Christ, and what better way to do so, then through missions. So, scroll below to find multiple opportunities for how you can advance the kingdom of God.

Financially Support
A Missionary
By clicking the button below, you will find a directory of every missionary in the IPHC and information on the capacity in which they serve. Additionally, you will find the capability to donate to specific missionaries and their causes.
A Child
By clicking the button below, you will find children who are in need of your support to provide them with nutritious food, clothing, drinking water, and educational supplies.
A Project
By clicking the button below, you will find several mission projects that will assist in our endeavor to reach people for Christ such as coffeehouses, building wells, or improving mission facilities.
Join the mission
If you are looking to join our mission efforts, then we have several opportunities that you and your church can participate in, such as Awakening (mission trips/internships for individuals and churches), TEAMS (short-term missions to see if you want to become a missionary), and becoming a career missionary (you will email our Conference Missions Director for more information and an application).
Our Missionaries

Sean and Katie Etheridge
God has called us to bring the Gospel of Hope to the lost of Eastern Europe.
Our mission is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with
the hopeless and the hurting. From the forgotten Romani people,
with less than 2% Evangelical Christians, to those in the Red-Light Districts.
Romania has one of the highest levels of Alcohol Abuse and Human Trafficking in Europe. We deeply desire to give them the opportunity to encounter the real and living God and to develop ongoing discipleship avenues for them.
You can help. Please prayerfully consider partnering with us on this
Mission to Eastern Europe’s forgotten people!
Our mission is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with
the hopeless and the hurting. From the forgotten Romani people,
with less than 2% Evangelical Christians, to those in the Red-Light Districts.
Romania has one of the highest levels of Alcohol Abuse and Human Trafficking in Europe. We deeply desire to give them the opportunity to encounter the real and living God and to develop ongoing discipleship avenues for them.
You can help. Please prayerfully consider partnering with us on this
Mission to Eastern Europe’s forgotten people!

Hiro and Eryn Bamba
The Bamba family has served with World Missions Ministries for 18 years. Hiro, Eryn, Justin, Alex, Hunter, and Olivia serve together in Saitama, Japan, where they direct the youth and children’s programs at the local IPHC church. Their desire is to reach Japanese children and youth with the gospel and to train them to reach their own generation. As field director for Japan, Hiro’s goals include mobilizing Japanese churches to fulfill their part of the Great Commission. Pray for the Bambas as they seek to convey the truth of the gospel with Japanese children and youth. Also, pray for their children.
Russell and Sonya Schweighardt
Russell and Sonya Schweighardt are missionaries in Kisoro District in Southwest Uganda. They run two seeds of Hope Homes and Schools with over 200 children in attendance and living on the two campuses. They also work on church plants, evangelism, clean water projects and sanitation training, vocational training, business training and craft cooperatives, basic first aid training, and pregnancy care training amongst the Batwa Tribe. Their hearts' desire is to reach the unreachable and share the love of Jesus.

Joseph Paluszak
WMM Short Term Missionary. Joe has a unique and desperately needed ministry on sexual abuse/prevention and domestic dating and violence. The ministry confronts the epidemic of abuse that is abounding both at home and abroad with a unique blend of Bible trust, music, humor, and tole play. This makes a depressing and frightening subject engaging, educational and most importantly of all, liberating. The message is "God's healing of broken lives, and God's protecting grace to keep lives from being broken." The ministry has already made a tremendous impact, not only in the USA, but in Romania, Columbia, Cuba, and Kenya.

Crysaly Aviles
Missionary to Michoacan, Mexico. Missions to Michoacan brings groceries, medical aid, blankets, and clothes to the marginalized in Michoacan, Mexico. This includes orphanages, abused/abandoned children, the disabled, and the elderly. The focus is on facilitating the mobile kitchen, providing basic medical aid to those on the streets (ex. diabetics with open sores), raising support for the orphanage, and distributing winter coats/blankets, as well as Bibles.
Stay Up To Date
To help you and your church know what is happening on the mission field and how you can assist them, and especially pray for them, here are newsletters to keep you up to date.
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