Redemption Ministries is a network of ministers and churches committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by multiplying disciples and churches.

School of Ministry
School of Ministry is here to assist you in reaching your full potential, growing deeper in your faith, and making a further impact in your ministry.

Check out all the upcoming events that we have for Pastors, church members, kids, youth, etc. There's something for everyone!

Check out how you and your church can get involved in reaching the lost in other countries around the world.
Healthy, Growing, Multiplying
Healthy, Growing, Multiplying Churches. How do churches multiply? By church planting. The best and most effective way to reach unchurched and de-churched people in the United States is still church planting. The Multiplication Lead Team's goal and commitment is to help church planters launch strong and healthy. Your participation is vital! How's this different than other church planting efforts? Check out this video to find out and how you can take the next step.
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Sign up for RM News
Sign up to receive a weekly newsletter specifically for pastors and church leaders with resources and information specifically for you!
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday - Sunday